domingo, abril 23, 2006

Dear Mr. Bush

Dear Mr. Bush,

Unbelievable! Shocking! Shivering!Incomprehensible! Alarming! Australia, USA, and other countries keep on calling the terrrorist gang of ETA "separatists" instead of terrorists.

In Australia they even dare to say that the Inquisition is still alive! Who, unless is insane or has little culture and knows nothing about Spains´History, and Spain´Policy believes that the terrorist members are being illtreated, tortured, and put to death by the Spanish Police, Guarcia Civil or Policía Nacional? No one. And it seems that they are showing in cinemas a film with false and manipulated scenes of these tortures and illtreatment to the terrorist members. Why not show real documentals in which there is no false and fake scenes of torture but real people who are members of the families of the victims of the terrorists of ETA? I can suggest at least two, VOCES SIN LIBERTAD AND THIRTEEN AMONG ONE THOUSAND, directed by Iñaki Arteta, a basque film director. I would gladdly send them free to the Governments, as I did to USA´ President Mr. Bush not long ago, and to some newspapers and TV Channels, but of course, these documentals must be shown as they are TRUE, the crude TRUTH of the feeling of the well over one thousand poeple murdered´s families, victims of ETA who have seem themselves obliged to move to different towns, countries to save their lives.

In this week magazine Newsweek there is a large report telling un a lot of false reality in Spain thanks to Rodriguez Zapatero. Let me tell you but a few of them:

  1. Social harmony.

  2. His way works.

  3. Jobless has dropped from 12 percent to 8.7

  4. New legislation cracks down on gender violence and promotes equal incomes in the workplace.

  5. But then came the Madrid bombings of March 11, and the government´s misguided efforts to pin the blame on Basque terrorists when evidence in fact pointed to Al Qaeda.

  • There is no social harmony at all.

  • His way does not work.

  • Every time is getting more and more difficult to find a job and when you find it the salaty is absolutely ridiculous, and it is a temporary job.

  • The amount of women killed by their husbands, boyfriends, is getting higher and higher every single day, and due to his good relations with muslims, who knows if in a few months women in Spain will have to wear a burka... and about the salaries...

  • No one knows who is behind the bombings os 11 March 2004 in Madrid. There are too many black holes, too many doubts, too many lies, planty of clues which demand new investigation, research, as it seems some of the most blood-thirsty ETA terrorist members were in touch and friends with the ones supposed to be the "brains a executors of the bombing explosions, yet no one of them killed himself as a marthyr as Al Qaeda followers do, and it is suspected that they were dead before the explosion of the flat some weeks before. I strongly recomend you toread Enigmas del 11-M written by Luis del Pino about all the pending research to be done about the terrorist act in Madrid on 11 March 2004.

  • The reporters who signed this report, Stryker McGuire and Erec Pape also call the terrorist gang ETA as separatist:

"the Basque separatist group ETA decared a permanent ceasefire...."

It is true that at the end of their report they sem to be more neutral and more realistic with the Spanish situation nowadays, yet there is a lot to be corrected and be more sincere. Millions and millions of Spaniards would really be very gratefull if they did so.

The future for Spaniards is as black as coal. The victory against ETA is still a dream. Spain is being divided as a bithdaycake, just because Rodriguez Zapatero would do anything to keep himself in power. And the idea that the rest of the European Countries see in him as an example to be followed in politics, economy and so on is just a very big falsehood. And I really regrate to say so as I am a Spaniard who loves her home country, Spain.

Yours faithfully,

Conchita Monsó

PS. I hope you received the letter and the DVDs Documentals by Iñaki Arteta I sent you from San Francisco while visiting my daughter there. I never got any news of your receiving them.

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